

Aren't they gorgeous?
Originally uploaded by kyducks.
11:55 AM -- A knock on the door interrupt my concentration as I am trying (without much luck) to pull staples from the upholstery of a chair. I look out to see who it might be, and there is a white van in our parking spot. Hmmm... nobody I know.

I rush downstairs and peep through the hole, and sure enough, someone is standing there, but I can't tell much about them. I open the door and am surprised with a big arrangement of flowers.

Who on earth could have sent these? I thank the nice delivery lady and wish her a Merry Christmas, and shut the door because it is only about 40 degrees outside.

After ripping open the card, I get a warm feeling all over. They're from my family to me and Bug. I'm sure that my Mom is behind it all, but she sends love from everyone, so it's okay.

Thanks for the flowers, and we're thinking of you too. Only 11 more days until I fly into Louisville....you'd better get ready!


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